Monday, September 3, 2007

A Couple Hospital Quick Hits

As Annie was walking into the hospital where her gynecologist office is, she passed two hospital employees wheeling out a gurney. After closer inspection, she realized the person on the gurney was not a living person, but rather a corpse wrapped in a sheet. We are by no means experts on hospital protocol, but is the front entrance of a hospital really the best place to be transporting human remains?

Annie also witnessed a bust today outside the children’s hospital – “The Critter Man’s” (see a previous post) operation was shut down by authorities. In addition, his competitor down the street – “The Rodent Maven” was also put out of business. Apparently, it was determined disease-infested varmints were not the best items to be peddling outside a children’s hospital.


About Me

After having lived our entire lives in Kansas, Oklahoma, Missouri, and Texas, there's really only one logical place for us to move to next. Yep, that's right ... Shanghai, China. Follow along with us on our journey to the Orient as we learn Mandarin, feast on chicken feet, and experience Asia!