Saturday, October 13, 2007

Not Your Average School Bus

For the first two plus months of school, Mr. Chen has taken Juliet in our car. However, due to the fact it was taking Scott a lot longer to get to work and because Juliet insisted, she began riding the bus to school this week. Below is a picture of the bus that transports her everyday. Are they going to school or cross-country to Beijing?


Anonymous said...

It sort of looks like a rather large green tomato worm. But very plush!

Brandon said...

She's going to be really let down when she comes back to the States and gets to ride the low rent buses we have here.

The Adams Family said...

Faith was excited to ride the school bus to her field trip and then I showed her Juliet's school bus and she decided she got a raw deal HA HA!! Juliet's bus is COOL!

About Me

After having lived our entire lives in Kansas, Oklahoma, Missouri, and Texas, there's really only one logical place for us to move to next. Yep, that's right ... Shanghai, China. Follow along with us on our journey to the Orient as we learn Mandarin, feast on chicken feet, and experience Asia!