Sunday, November 15, 2009

215 Days Later

Greetings friends! After a hiatus of about 7 months we're back to the blog. A lot has happened since we were in Guangzhou in April and posted that Lillie's adoption was final. Some of the highlights:

1. May - We headed south to Sanya (aka the Hawaii of China). While not exactly luaus and pineapples, it was a very pleasant smog-free beach. And where else in the world can you stay at the Ritz-Carlton and see not one, but two sets of parents strip their little boys down to nothin' to pee in the bushes?

2. Summer - The girls spent the summer in Dallas and Lillie officially became a US citizen. The only difference now between her and a natural-born citizen is that she cannot be President. Governor of California? No problem ... just not the leader of the good ole' US of A.

3. August - We moved to a new house here in Shanghai. The old house was about 15 minutes from Carrefour and given Annie's new affinity to munch on frog spleen we decided to get a little closer to the store.

4. Fall - Shanna turned one and Lillie celebrated number five. Both are doing well even through Shanna at 14 months old is now pushing 24 pounds and Lillie only weighs 28. A career as an NFL linebacker might be in her future.

5. October - For the Chinese National Day holiday, we decided not to go to Beijing for the 60th anniversary celebration of the People's Republic of China (once you've seen one tank motoring down the streets of an urban metropolis, you've seen them all). Instead, Anne, Scott, Juliet, and Lillie headed to Europe for a few days of vacation. We hit Paris, Frankfurt, and Berlin before heading back home to China.

6. October - Shanna began walking which has us all a bit on edge. Given her height and weight, a rumbling, bumbling toddler can wreak a bit of havoc.

We will get you caught up over the next few weeks on more of the going ons around here, but in summary, we are alive, well, and thriving in our home away from home.


Jen Mall said...

Sooooo glad to see an update! The ladies at Midvale Telephone Company called me personally a while back to find out why you weren't blogging! I haven't had a chance to call and find out! So, now they can catch up on you!!!! YEAHHH!!! I hope we can talk soon! I miss you!

About Me

After having lived our entire lives in Kansas, Oklahoma, Missouri, and Texas, there's really only one logical place for us to move to next. Yep, that's right ... Shanghai, China. Follow along with us on our journey to the Orient as we learn Mandarin, feast on chicken feet, and experience Asia!