Wednesday, April 16, 2008

Things that Make You Go Hmmm?!?! – Travel Edition

Scott travels quite a bit here in China. Recently he has observed some fairly curious things.

He was traveling down a major highway in a central China province that is notorious for crime and corruption. At one point, he looked up and saw what appeared to be a police officer standing on a platform off in the distance. As the car approached the figure, he noticed that it was just a mannequin dressed in a police uniform. There was no sign accompanying this “officer” - just a scowling Caucasian lawman. Who knew “Scarecrows” still served a purpose? Hmmm?!?!

While waiting in a slow line 40 deep to get through security at the airport, Scott noticed that several travelers were taking advantage of a special line to his right. The line was titled “For Staff, VIP, First Class, the Old, the Slow, and the Pregnant.” Hmmm?!?!

On his train trip last week, Scott noticed the presence of a paper sack for one to expel vomit if so desired. He didn’t think anything of it as it is probably fairly common for people to get sick while on the train. However, after closer inspection, he noted the bag was titled “Airsickness Bag.” Hmmm?!?!.

If all of the TV channels in the hotel room are in Chinese then why do you need the list of stations in English? Hmmm?!?!.


About Me

After having lived our entire lives in Kansas, Oklahoma, Missouri, and Texas, there's really only one logical place for us to move to next. Yep, that's right ... Shanghai, China. Follow along with us on our journey to the Orient as we learn Mandarin, feast on chicken feet, and experience Asia!