Sunday, February 8, 2009

Major Eruption

There are times at which as a parent you are "in the zone." You and your spouse are clicking on all cylinders, the house is running smoothly, the kids aren't biting, screaming, vomiting, etc, etc, etc.

We were in one of those zones this weekend ... all the kids were doing well and Annie and Scott were feeling really good about themselves. This afternoon, we were able snap some cute pictures of Shanna:

However, as they say, all good things must come to an end. After finishing a great family dinner, the sweet, innocent, darling pictured above turned the evening on its head. She was sitting with Annie when Scott heard an atrocious grunting noise coming from the other room. At first Scott thought it was a lumberjack trying to pass a kidney stone, but instead found Annie chuckling as Shanna geared up to "drop some friends off at the pool."

Scott went off to finish the dishes, but a few minutes later, was startled by Annie's shrieking voice, "Scott, I need you ... NOW." When he arrived on the scene, all he could see was poop ... poop on Annie ... poop on the bed ... poop covering the baby from shoulder blade to ankle. It was everywhere. We were able to get her clothes off somehow, but not before losing a wayward turd onto the floor.

The baby, sensing an opportunity for fun, started kicking and moving as violently as possible spraying poop in every possible direction. This kid, who, five months ago was born with spina bifida and had people wondering if she'd ever move her legs was using her powerful femurs to cover us in feces. Needless to say, we don't feel like we're "in the zone" anymore.


Anonymous said...

I love the new pics of the baby! Sorry about the "eruption" . . It sounds like it was very unpleasant!
- Em

Anonymous said...

Let me be the first to say that I will be extremely disappointed if the blogging stops when you move back to Texas.

This is too funny...

Looking forward to seeing y'all again!

Laura Rawlings

About Me

After having lived our entire lives in Kansas, Oklahoma, Missouri, and Texas, there's really only one logical place for us to move to next. Yep, that's right ... Shanghai, China. Follow along with us on our journey to the Orient as we learn Mandarin, feast on chicken feet, and experience Asia!